Wednesday 3 February 2016

Natural home remedies for menstrual cramps and pain relief.Contact ::+2348037817795 (Odita Precious)

Menstrual cramp ( dysmenorrhea) is a painful sensation felt in the lower abdomen by most women. Menstrual cramp can be unbearable most times and in most cases it reduces the productivity rate of the individual experiencing the cramp. The symptoms i personally experienced were nausea,extreme weakness,dizziness,loss of appetite,aggressive temperament,wobbly legs, thigh ache, and terrible abdominal pain. At a point i had to see a doctor at every period for injections which brought relief but i was adviced to discontinue because excessive use of hormonal drugs like the ones used to suppress menstrual cramps can cause a long term effect on the female reproductive organs and other areas. Some of this medications can cause a growth in the female reproductive organ . An unhealthy lifestyle ( smoking, alcoholic intake,excessive sugar intake,carbonated drinks etc), irregular diet and an individuals gene can also cause menstrual cramps. I made some research and learnt about the effectiveness of ginger to menstrual pain relief, i extracted juice from the ginger root,added honey and drank it with a hot water mix. I was surprised at the instant relief i felt, i gave some samples to my female clients and got positive feedbacks. At that point,i decided to share this home remedy with you and some other helpful home remedies. I would encourage you to use home remedies during your menstrual flow because they are 100% natural and very safe. Do give us a feedback on the outcome,we would love to hear from you.

We carefully made our research and you can trust every natural home remedy stated below which you can use to ease menstrual cramps. For me, Ginger does the magic any day!!!

1. Ginger Juice

  Ginger is one of the most wonderful herbs which can treat a lot of health problems. And, of course, it is an effective remedy to help you reduce menstrual cramp.
It fights the fatigue associated with the premenstrual syndrome too. Moreover, it makes irregular period regular. So if you want to reduce the cramps, please follow these steps here:
  • Cut a small piece of ginger
  • Put it in a cup of water and then boil it for about 5 minutes
  • After boiling, strain it
  • Add some honey or lemon juice if you want
  • Drink this tea three times a day during the menstrual period
You also add ginger in your meals when you cook or suck the ginger candies on when cramps attack you.

It is one of the helpful home remedies for menstrual cramps too because of the anti–inflammatory properties inside. Also, it includes a lot of nutrients such as iron, calcium, carotene, vitamin C and A which can help to soothe the uterine wall along with easing muscles contractions.
Therefore, if you are in the menstruation, you should add papaya on your diet. It will help you get rid of the pain which is caused by the cramps.
3.  Pineapple And Banana Smoothie    

   Because of providing a lot of vitamin B6 and potassium, this smoothie can help you fight cramps. Now let’s prepare these things to make the delicious and nutritious smoothie
  • A cup of chopped and ripe banana
  • A cup of chopped pineapple
  • A cup of pineapple juice
  • A cup of crushed ice
Here is the detailed direction:
  • Put all the ingredients into the blender
  • Blend them until they become smooth
  • Pour the mixture to a glass
  • Drink this smoothie once a day during your menstrual period
4.   Cucumber Smoothie

      This smoothie is a great source of magnesium and calcium which helps ease menstrual cramps. We have a guide below that would help make this smoothie preparation easy for you, do follow the guide:

  • Three and a half cups of unpeeled and chopped cucumber  
  •  Fresh lemon juice
  •  Pinch of salt
  •  Warm water
  •  Lemon wedges (for garnish)
  • Let's make our smoothie mix( its easy) 
  •  Put the cucumber, lemon juice, salt and warm water in a blender
  •  Blend until it's smooth
  •  Pour the mixture into a glass
  •  Garnish with lemon wedges (optional).
  •  Drink this smoothie once a day during menstrual period
5. Banana

Banana is not only a popular fruit but also a good remedy which is used to treat many health problems including menstrual cramps. It is a great source of potassium and vitamin B6 which can help you to reduce both cramps and water retention.
Therefore, you should take at least a banana per day so that you can reduce your pain. Besides, you can mix bananas with non-fat yogurt or orange. Sometimes, you ought to slice a banana into small pieces and then eat them with cereal. If you make fruit salad, don’t forget to add some banana slices.
Pay attention: you should take away from banana chips because they include added fat and sugar.
6Cucumber Honeydew Smoothie

This smoothie is one of the effective and easy home remedies for menstrual cramps. It will provide you a lot of calcium and magnesium which can fight menstrual cramps. And in order to make the smoothie, these ingredients should be prepared:
  • One and a half cup of chopped cucumber
  • One and a half cup of chopped honeydew melon
  • A cup of plain yogurt
  • A tablespoon of fresh and chopped mint leaves
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • Crushed ice
  • Lemon wedges and fresh mint leaves (for garnish)
Here is the recipe you can follow:
  • Mix all the ingredients together, except lemon wedges and fresh mint leaves
  • Blend them until it becomes smooth
  • After that, pour the mixture into the glass
  • Garnish with fresh mint leaves and lemon wedges
  • Drink this smoothie once daily during menstrual period
 If you want to learn more about natural home remedies for other health related issues and conditions, go to our main page. We have coined this article for your guide,to help you through this monthly phase and beat the abdominal pains and other discomforts that come with menstrual cramps. However, this article is only for informational and educative purpose. If you have any questions or you need a directive on how to get our health Juice products, kindly contact ::+2348037817795 (Odita Precious). If you know other home remedies that has being helpful to you, please Drop A Note Below because we would love to share your story and experience so others would benefit from it.Thank you.

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